
We’ve partnered with Donorbox, a trusted online platform, to make it super easy for you to donate directly to the Redbank Valley Historical Society. Donorbox ensures the security of your credit card details while offering a seamless donation experience. You can choose to make a one-time contribution or set up recurring monthly donations to support the Redbank Valley Historical Society. Plus, Donorbox gives you the option to make your donation in memory of someone or in the name of a company, and you can even keep it confidential if you prefer.

Donorbox also provides an option to cover the processing fees associated with your donation. By choosing to cover these fees, you ensure that your entire gift goes directly to the Redbank Valley Historical Society without any deductions. It’s a wonderful way to maximize the impact of your contribution and support the organization fully. No need to worry about creating an account – simply fill out the donation form directly on our website, pick your preferred amount, and share your contact info. Donorbox accepts all major credit cards, so it’s a breeze to give as a guest. Once your donation goes through, you’ll see a big thank you screen, and we’ll be sure to show our appreciation for your incredible support.

Your generous donations to the Redbank Valley Historical Society may be tax-deductible. As a registered nonprofit organization, we strive to meet the requirements for tax-exempt status. Contributions towards our mission of preserving local history, maintaining historical sites, and supporting educational programs may qualify for tax deductions. We recommend consulting with a tax professional to understand the specific implications and benefits of your donation in accordance with applicable tax laws. Rest assured that your contribution not only helps support our valuable work but may also provide tax advantages. We deeply appreciate your support in making a lasting impact on the Redbank Valley community. Together, we can preserve our rich heritage for future generations.